Welcome to Mahtca Global

What's new

Base64 Image Converter

Encode or decode images' base64 string

Base64 Image Converter
macOS AppStore

Rocket Hash

Calculate hashes within seconds!

Base64 Image Converter
macOS AppStore

MetaSniffer Pro on App Store

View and edit photos metada from your iPhone

macOS AppStore
iOS AppStore

MetaSniffer Lite on App Store

View photos metadata from your iPhone

macOS AppStore
iOS AppStore

MajorSteg for macOS is available for download

Check out the version 1.1. Fully compatible with Mojave dark mode.

macOS AppStore
macOS AppStore

MajorSteg for iOS is available for download

Chat securely from your pocket to your desktop.

iOS AppStore
iOS AppStore

Mahtca Global Networking Services

Network solutions offered by Mahtca Global IT Professionals

  • Operating Systems deployment: Windows, Linux, Mac.
  • Applications deployment.
  • Network scan and test with Mahtca's own tools.
  • Servers configuration(Windows, Linux, Mac): Active Directory, DHCP, NAT, VLANs, DNS, Firewall etc.
  • Clients configuration.
  • Remote administration.
  • Structured cabling.

Configuration of all network devices, servers, clients, routers, switches, printers etc. From basic to advanced and complicated servers configuration, computers deployment, multiple and different operating systems. We offer complete configuration services, network administration and applications development. Contact us for pricing.

For on-site services, prices vary depending on location. For remote services, rates are the same regardless of location. For a detailed price list, please contact us.